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Premium for Less!

Get 6 months for just $100 with our exclusive invite codes


Fast Get Hired




NEW features to get hired and
grow your network


Top Business features

Premium members are 2.6x more likely
to get hired on average


Enhance your profile

Customize your profile by featuring important sections more prominently and add a custom call to action to your profile, posts, and more.


Top Applicant Job

See job postings where you’ll be a top applicant based on your skills and experience.


15 InMails per month

Directly message members outside of your network. It’s 4.6x more effective in hearing back than cold email.

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive my invite to upgrade to Premium?

Once payment has been successfully completed, please allow up to 24 hours to receive an email from us with your invite link to upgrade to LinkedIn Premium. Please contact us at support@liupgrade.com if no email has been delivered to your Inbox or Junk mail folder after 24 hours.

Can I activate the redeem link even if I have an existing Premium subscription?

No, the existing subscription must end before using the redeem link.

What is your refund policy?

LinkedIn Premium subscriptions, such as Premium Business may be refundable within two hours of submitting payment. Reach out to our Cancellation team by emailing them using cancel@liupgrade.com.

How are Premium Insights derived and how frequently are they updated?

LinkedIn collects, organize, and develop insights on companies based on profile information of LinkedIn members. Information is updated on a weekly basis. LinkedIn does not guarantee comprehensiveness and accuracy of data or insights.

What should I know about InMail credits, job credits, profile viewers, and people browsing?

InMail credits expire after 90 days. If you cancel your upgraded account, any unused InMail credits will be valid only until the end of your current billing cycle. If you cancel your Recruiter Lite or Recruiter Corporate account, any unused job credits you have will be transferred to your personal LinkedIn.com account at the end of your current billing cycle. For Who’s Viewed Your Profile, first and last name may not be listed for profile viewers who have chosen to remain semi- or fully-anonymous via their privacy settings. Certain search and browsing restrictions apply if an unusually high number of queries are executed in a short time period, in order to prevent system abuse.
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